Document 1833 DOCN M94A1833 TI Socio economic problems of AIDS-patients prior to death. DT 9412 AU Parli K; Schoep M; Kopp C; Furrer H; von Overbeck J; Medical Policlinic, University Hospital, Berne, Switzerland. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):440 (abstract no. PD0370). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370742 AB OBJECTIVE: To assess socio-economic status prior to death and to investigate the available social support. METHODS: We reviewed the charts of 51 patients who died in 1993. RESULTS: Of all the 51 patients, 39 (76%) requested social support (6 women, 33 men) which added up to 220 consultations for psychological, financial and legal support in addition to medical care. 14 (36%) patients died outside the hospital, mostly at home, 11 (28%) patients were placed in a Lighthouse (median stay 35 days, range 2-118) and 14 (36%) patients passed their last weeks of life in an acute-care hospital (median stay 33 days, range 15-140). 17 out of 39 (43%) patients had an income through work or a health-insurance. 22 (56%) were out of work, 10 (26%) of these got social security, 12 (31%) were supported through social welfare. The table (n = 39) shows the relation between socio-economic situation, place of death, and transmission-group. TABULAR DATA, SEE ABSTRACT VOLUME. CONCLUSIONS: Socio-economic problems must be also addressed in the final stage. No significant difference could be found between the different patient groups. Social support should be further improved. Since 36% of the patients died in an acute-care hospital, it seems especially important to find individual care-solutions outside the hospital. DE *Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/MORTALITY/PSYCHOLOGY/THERAPY Female Hospitalization Human *Income Insurance, Health Male Social Security *Social Support Social Welfare Switzerland MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).